Friday, September 20, 2013

The spy who lost her head

'It is not your wrong - you are not having children with me so I am seeing other man to find outlet and he is saying to kiss your pumpkin' 

If you are wondering what kind of English that is. Well, it is Queen's English. This is how SS Gulabi, the pink rose, speaks all through the novel, 'The Spy who lost her head', written by Jane De Suza. 

Gulabi comes to Mumbai in search of her Bemba (BE + MBA graduate). Her father who has many cows and sheep in the village gives her six months time to find her own Bemba. After six months Gulabi will be offered to the groom of her father's choice along with cows and sheep. Gulabi lands in Mumbai with her seven suitcases in hot pursuit of her Bemba. As a lucky co-incident her landlord happens to be her Bemba but he does not reciprocate the same feelings for Gulabi. Unfortunately Gulabi also gets tangled in a mess in which she finds herself with the head of a man she does not know.She transforms from mere Gulabi to the spy SS Gulabi and investigates the case of the decapitated head. She happens to lose her much endeared head a couple of times, hence the name the spy who lost her head. The rest of the novel is about how Gulabi tries to convince the landlord Bemba to marry her and how she cracks the case of the head.

The plot is simple, but the character of Gulabi is hilarious. Her Queen’s English, her village attitude and dressing, her pious/religious opinions, her love for Bemba and her interactions with disinterested Bemba made me roll with laughter. I was reading the book in train and I laughed so hard that my husband said, ‘Can you read it some other time. Everybody is looking’. Well, I couldn’t do that. I would recommend this book for light reading. The book costs only Rs. 143. Pure entertainment for 143 bucks, not even movies are that cheap in Bangalore these days. The book totally worth reading.  


  1. Hi Sowmya,
    I read your blog whenever your Bemba shares it. I, another Bemba, am his friend from college. Your writing is simple and easy to read. I especially like the way you club it with pictures religiously. Keep writing. Added your blog to favorites, will not depend on your Bemba's shares now :).
    +1 to your readers' list.
    P.S: Buying this book right away. Its been long since I laughed till people thought I was insane. :)

  2. Thank you Kiranmai. Your appreciation means a lot to me. For a moment, I forgot who the Bemba you are referring to is. I understood later that it is my hubby. There are lot more Bembas in the world today and they are in demand :)


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